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Little Lamb Lost

A Claire Conover Mystery by Margaret Fenton

Little Lamb Lost by Margaret Fenton

Review: Margaret Fenton introduces Birmingham (AL) social worker Claire Conover, a compassionate social worker proud of her vocation, who is devastated when a two-year-old child assigned to her for safekeeping is found dead of an overdose of an illegal drug in Little Lamb Lost.

Claire is devastated when Ashley's son Michael dies. After feeling assured that Ashley was sober and drug free through random testing, Claire had no doubt that Angela could take care of her son. But when Michael dies from an overdose of a drug found in the toddler's juice bottle, the police immediately arrest Angela who quickly pleads guilty to the charges concerning his death. Claire, however, cannot bring herself to believe that Angela could kill Michael or allow him to be killed. She wants to prove, not only to herself, but to the system that hired and trusted her, that she was not wrong about Angela. But Claire's search for the truth is hampered when Angela is determined to take the blame and not cooperate with Claire. Claire, however, is not be dissuaded. In her mission to discover the truth about what happened, Claire uncovers hidden secrets of a few who had a motive to see Michael, and even Ashley, dead. There was Michael's father, a drug addict, the son of a wealthy influential family; Ashley's step-father, a perpetual drunk and gambler, who thought maybe he might collect money from insurance on their deaths; Ashley's ex-boyfriend wanted her but not her son; or Ashley's current boyfriend, who had done drugs with Ashley and has a violent temper. Will Claire be able to find the truth? Or will she, too, become a victim?

Claire Conover is not only an amateur sleuth out to solve a crime, she's a woman of deep convictions, a woman who understands that people need second chances, that they need someone to believe in them even if they don't believe in themselves. She sees past the superficial images people project to the world, and is loyal in the face of danger. Little Lost Lamb is a mystery to be sure, but it is more: a story of love and sacrifice, of responsibility and devotion, of truth and consequences, and possibly most important of all, it is the story of a child.

Special thanks to guest reviewer Betty of The Betz Review for contributing her review of Little Lamb Lost.

Acknowledgment: Maryglenn McCombs Book Publicity provided a copy of Little Lamb Lost for this review.

Review Copyright © 2009 — Hidden Staircase Mystery Books — All Rights Reserved

Location(s) referenced in Little Lamb Lost: Birmingham, Alabama

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Little Lamb Lost by Margaret Fenton

Little Lamb Lost by A Claire Conover Mystery

Publisher: Oceanview Publishing
Format: Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-1-933515-51-9
Publication Date:
List Price: $24.95

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